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Tricks and tips...
Ask advice from experienced and longstanding companies about the choice of a library management software. Micro Craft has gained nearly 15 years experience…
Don't cut down on the quality of IT hardware, networks or backup systems.
Always assess your memory and hard disk needs with a safety margin of at least 20%
Always provide for a backup system: CD writer, Zip, Jazz, DAT tape reader
Protect your IT equipment against theft! Alarm system, etc…
Protect your IT equipment against storms with lightning arresters.
If your equipment is subject to power failure, install uninterruptable power supply systems (UPS)
Avoid working with unstable systems, such as Windows ME. Prefer systems such as Windows 7 or Windows 8 Pro. This will save you maintenance costs.

Subscribe to fixed price Internet solutions such als ADSL, cable television or other Internet access providers.

If you only need a server for Socrate, a Linux server will do the job and save you the price of a Windows Server licence (900 EUR ex VAT)
Laser printers need less consumables and hence are more economical than inkjet printers.
If you have many workstations and/or distant workstations to run, the "Terminal Server" solution in Windows 2000 Server can save you a lot of money. However, the implementation must be carried out with rigour and method!
If you lack space on the loan counter, use flat screens. They are less costly than adapting or buying a new counter...
If you are looking for a FREE, Word-like word processor and its Office suite, visit: http://www.openoffice.org/
Reduce your IT costs and save money!